Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper commending it on an article
published in it regarding Environmental awareness and adding your own
views on the duty of every citizen to protect the environment
Sathish Kumar,
Plot No. 123
Greater Onida
M.P– 76
18th April, 2015
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub Environmental awareness
I am writing to draw your attention to a matter of great importance.India is on a collision course with mother nature and the only solution to this starts with more awareness. Environmental awareness needs to be broadened and taught throughout India.With a population of over 1 billion people, and a fast growing urban society fashioning its lifestyles after the West, massive increases of waste seem unavoidable in India.Disposal of waste in a country where municipal waste management systems are already weak will become a problem of severe proportions.Air pollution is taking place because of mindless felling down of trees and poisonous emissions from chimneys of factories and automobiles. Excessive use of insecticides and pesticides is causing soil pollution. Poisonous elements are finding their way to the food- grains and milk.
Water channels like rivers and canals are getting polluted due to the release of highly deleterious effluents into them by the industrial units. Even sea water is getting polluted. Tons of debris from hurtling space-ships is polluting the space. Experimental nuclear explosions and leakages from nuclear plants also cause atmospheric pollution.It is high time that man gives attention to the hazard of pollution of all kinds. Otherwise, there may be not only wide-spread epidemics, but even his existence on this planet may be in danger
Sathish Kumar
Sathish Kumar,
Plot No. 123
Greater Onida
M.P– 76
18th April, 2015
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub Environmental awareness
I am writing to draw your attention to a matter of great importance.India is on a collision course with mother nature and the only solution to this starts with more awareness. Environmental awareness needs to be broadened and taught throughout India.With a population of over 1 billion people, and a fast growing urban society fashioning its lifestyles after the West, massive increases of waste seem unavoidable in India.Disposal of waste in a country where municipal waste management systems are already weak will become a problem of severe proportions.Air pollution is taking place because of mindless felling down of trees and poisonous emissions from chimneys of factories and automobiles. Excessive use of insecticides and pesticides is causing soil pollution. Poisonous elements are finding their way to the food- grains and milk.
Water channels like rivers and canals are getting polluted due to the release of highly deleterious effluents into them by the industrial units. Even sea water is getting polluted. Tons of debris from hurtling space-ships is polluting the space. Experimental nuclear explosions and leakages from nuclear plants also cause atmospheric pollution.It is high time that man gives attention to the hazard of pollution of all kinds. Otherwise, there may be not only wide-spread epidemics, but even his existence on this planet may be in danger
Sathish Kumar
Very. Nice
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