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Friday, 11 December 2015

English Language Question And Answer With Explanation

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it.The number of that part is the answer.
1.1)/The Supreme Court has restricted all authorities for denying/2) a benefit or service to any citizen of India /3)for want of the Aadhaar card/4)even as the centre claimed that the scheme was only voluntary/5) No error

2.1)Faced with the prospect of judicial scrutiny /2)of any decision to ban opinion polls, /3)the centre said there is no move /4)at this time to ban opinion polls./5) No error

3.1)There is the obvious pain for those/2) without jobs, and for those losing /3)those, but at one level, the solution appears /4) to be simple; just wait for the economy to pick up./5) No error

4.1)In a decisive endorsement of her policies at home/2) and in Europe, Chancellor Angel Merkal's Christian Democratic block gathered /3) 42 percent of the votes /4)only few seats short of an absolute majority //5) No error

5.1)The Planning Commission in its National Human Development Report /2) points out that corruption is the most endemic/3) and entrenched manifestation of poor government /4) in the Indian society /5) No error

1. 1.Replace 'for' with 'from.
2.3.Replace  'is' with 'was'
3. 3.Replace 'those' with 'them'
4.4.Replace 'only few' with 'only a few'
5. 3.Replace  'government' with 'governance'


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