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Monday 14 March 2016

Reasoning Ability Question And Answer With Explanation

Read the following information carefully and answer the questions that follows:
  Eight candidates A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H are participating in a race. All are standing at a distance of 1km,2km.3km,4km,5km and 6km, from their immediate neighbours but not necessarily in the same order. Two candidates  are at the same distance of 5km from their immediate neighbours.B is 3km left of C and 6km away from F. B is standing immediately between E and G at 5km and 2km respectively.H is 4km left of E. C is second to the left of D.The candidate on the extreme left is 10km away from E. G is standing between B and C.

1.What is the distance between H and B?
[1]6 km  [2]12km  [3]10 km  [4] Can't be determined [5] None of those

2.Which of the following is  immediate neighbours of D?
[1]G   [2]F   [3]C  [4]B  [5]E

3.Who is standing between H and B?
[1]E  [2]F  [3]G   [4]C   [5]D

4.How many candidates are there between B and D?
[1]4   [2]3  [3]  2    [4]1   [5]None of these

5.Who among the following is standing on the extreme  left end?
[1]C  [2]F  [3]E  [4]B  [5]A

 A      H         E      B       G       C       F      D
6km    4km      5km   2km   1km   3km   5km
1.[5]Distance between H and  B
 = 4+5 = 9 km


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