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Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Reasoning Ability Answer With Explanation

In each of the questions below consists of a statements  and conclusion numbered I and II given below it.You decide which of the two conclusion logically follows from the information given in the statement

Give answer

    (1)if only conclusion (I) follows
    (2) if only conclusion (II) follows
    (3) If a either conclusion (I) or (II) follows
    (4) If a neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
    (5) If both  conclusion (I) and (II) follows

  1.Statement:  V>P, U>R, P>Q<R=S
    Conclusions: I.U>Q      II.V>Q

2.Statement: N>R=Q<P>C>B<A
   Conclusions: I.A>C    II.P>R

3.Statement:   A<B>C>D, B>H
Conclusions:  I.B>D   II.H>A

4.Statement:   P>Q>R=S<T, W<R
  Conclusions: I.Q>W   II.P<T

5.Statement: L<M>N<O>P, Q>P, L<S
 Conclusion: I. N=Q           II.N<Q

1. V>P  .................[i]
    U>R  ................[ii]
    P>Q<R=S ........[iii]

combining [ii] &[iii] we have
P>Q<R=S<U Hence,Q<U or U>Q
Thus Conclusion [I] follows
Again combining [i] &[iii] we have
V>P>Q Hence,V>Q
Thus Conclusion [II] does not follows

2.[4] N>R=Q<P>C>B<A
                          |        |
 So,we can't compare A and C . Hence,conclusion I doesn't follow.
Again R=Q<P ie R<P
Thus Conclusion [II] does not follows

3.[4] A<B>C>D -----(i)
         B>H        -----(ii)
From statement (i), we have
B>D Conclusion [I] does not follows
Again combining [i] &[ii] we have

A<B>H,so we can't compare A and H . Hence,conclusion II doesn't follow.
       W<R        --------(ii)
         combining [i] &[ii] we have
 Thus Conclusion [I] follows
 From statement (i), we have
 P>S<T so we can't compare P and T . Hence,conclusion II doesn't follow.

5.[4]L<M>N<O>P -----------(i)
        Q>P         --------------(ii)
        L<S          -------------(iii)
 combining [i] &[ii] we have
 L<M>N<O>P< Q

          |               |
 we can't compare N and Q . Hence,conclusion I and  II doesn't follow.


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