Replace the phrase in underline to make the sentence grammatically correct if the sentence is correct as it is mak (5) as the answer[CONTAIN CURRENT AFFAIRS OF APRIL TO JUNE 2015]
1.Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) pact was signed between African leaders which would pave a path for creating Africa's largest free-trade zone
1] will paved
2]which will pave
3]which will paved
4]which would paved
5]No correction required
2.Special Forces of the Indian Army in coordination with the Air Force carried surgical operations (cross-border operation) inside Myanmar to target militant groups.
1]delivered out
2] carried on
3] carried the
4] carried out
5]No correction required
3., Cyclonic storm ASHOBAA was in news after it developed into a cyclonic storm from only a depression thus forming over the Arabian Sea.
1]that form
2]thus formed
3]that formed
4]that forming
4., State Govt of Kerala is going to set up the first elephant hospital of India in Kerala
1]is went to
2]that is going to
3]while going to
4]is go to
5]No correction required
5.Maharashtra dominated the mutual fund landscape in the country within an assets base of Rs1.21 lakh crore at the end of April.
1]with an assets
2]an assets with
3]from an asset
4]in an asset
5]No correction required
6.Bank of India was the first Indian bank to opening a branch outside India in London in 1946.
1]to open the
2]to opening the
3]to open a
4]to open
5]No correction required
7.Katasraj is a Hindu temple located in the Chakwal district of Punjab at Pakistan.
1]at Punjab in
2]of Punjab in
3]that Punjab in
4] Punjab in
5]No correction required
8.Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) has honoured with the world’s best airport for the year 2014.
1]was been honoured
2]has been honoured
3]had been honoured
4]had honoured
5]No correction required
9. Caracol the annual festival in Makati, south of Manali , Phillipines which aims to promote awareness on environmental issues.
1]where aims
2]which aimed
3]which aim
4]where aimed
5]No correction required
10.The Oscar award for the Best Picture clinched by the team of "Birdman Or (The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance)" at the 87th Academy Awards here on Feb 22, 2015
1]was clinched by
2]has clinched by
3]have been clinched by
4]was clinched to
5]No correction required
Answer 1.[2] 2.[4] 3.[3] 4.[5] 5.[1] 6[3] 7.[2] 8.[2] 9.[5] 10.[1]
1.Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA) pact was signed between African leaders which would pave a path for creating Africa's largest free-trade zone
1] will paved
2]which will pave
3]which will paved
4]which would paved
5]No correction required
2.Special Forces of the Indian Army in coordination with the Air Force carried surgical operations (cross-border operation) inside Myanmar to target militant groups.
1]delivered out
2] carried on
3] carried the
4] carried out
5]No correction required
3., Cyclonic storm ASHOBAA was in news after it developed into a cyclonic storm from only a depression thus forming over the Arabian Sea.
1]that form
2]thus formed
3]that formed
4]that forming
4., State Govt of Kerala is going to set up the first elephant hospital of India in Kerala
1]is went to
2]that is going to
3]while going to
4]is go to
5]No correction required
5.Maharashtra dominated the mutual fund landscape in the country within an assets base of Rs1.21 lakh crore at the end of April.
1]with an assets
2]an assets with
3]from an asset
4]in an asset
5]No correction required
6.Bank of India was the first Indian bank to opening a branch outside India in London in 1946.
1]to open the
2]to opening the
3]to open a
4]to open
5]No correction required
7.Katasraj is a Hindu temple located in the Chakwal district of Punjab at Pakistan.
1]at Punjab in
2]of Punjab in
3]that Punjab in
4] Punjab in
5]No correction required
8.Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) has honoured with the world’s best airport for the year 2014.
1]was been honoured
2]has been honoured
3]had been honoured
4]had honoured
5]No correction required
9. Caracol the annual festival in Makati, south of Manali , Phillipines which aims to promote awareness on environmental issues.
1]where aims
2]which aimed
3]which aim
4]where aimed
5]No correction required
10.The Oscar award for the Best Picture clinched by the team of "Birdman Or (The Unexpected Virtue Of Ignorance)" at the 87th Academy Awards here on Feb 22, 2015
1]was clinched by
2]has clinched by
3]have been clinched by
4]was clinched to
5]No correction required
Answer 1.[2] 2.[4] 3.[3] 4.[5] 5.[1] 6[3] 7.[2] 8.[2] 9.[5] 10.[1]
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