In each of the questions below consists of a statements and
conclusion numbered I and II given below it.You decide which of the two
conclusion logically follows from the information given in the statement
Give answer
1.Statements: All animal are birdsGive answer
- (1)if only conclusion (I) follows
- (2) if only conclusion (II) follows
- (3) If a either conclusion (I) or (II) follows
- (4) If a neither conclusion (I) nor (II) follows
- (5) If both conclusion (I) and (II) follows
All bird are crows.
Conclusion: I. All animals are crows.
II.All crows are true
2.Statements: Some tricks are magic.
All magic are true.
Conclusion: I. There is a possibility that all tricks are true.
II.There is a possibility that all magic are tricks.
3..Statements: All e-mails are messages.
Some messages are letters.
Conclusion: I. Atleast some letters are e-mails.
II. Some messages are not e-mails.
4..Statements: Some threads are cottons.
Some cottons are nylons.
Conclusion: I. All nylons are threads.
II. Atleast some nylons are threads.
5..Statements: Some clocks are watches.
No clock is a wall.
Conclusion: I All walls are watches.
II There is a possibility that all watches are clocks.
[i]All animal are birds ---->A-type
[ii]Some tricks are magic----> I-type
[iii] No clock is a wall.-----> E- type
[iv]Some messages are not e-mails.---->O - type
1.[1] All animal are birds[A]
All bird are crows.[A]
A+A =>A- type on conclusion
All animal are crows
only conclusion (I) follows
2.[4] Some tricks are magic.[I]
All magic are true.[A]
I +A => I - type of conclusion
Some tricks are true
3.[4] All e-mails are messages[A]
Some messages are letters.[I]
A+I => No Conclusion
4[4]Both the Premises are Particular Affirmative [I- type]No Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises.
5.[4]Some clocks are watches.[I]
No clock is a wall.[E]
I+E => O -type of conclusion
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