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Saturday, 3 October 2015

Excepted computer Language One Word Question And Answers MAIN BANK EXAM

1.Which of the following RAM times have to be refreshed often in order to retain its contents?
[5]None of these

 2.Which of the memories below is often used in a typical computer operation?
[5]None of these

3.Which storage device is mounted on 'reels'?
[1]Floppy Disk
[2]Hard Disk
[3]Magnetic Tapes
[5]None of these

 4.MTBF means
[1]Mean Time Before Failure
[2]Master Time Buffer Featrue
[3]Most Treated Buffer Failure.
[4]Master Test Board Featrue
[5].Mean Time Before Failure

5.Hoe many writes cycles are allowed to a RAM?
[5]None of these

6.A------- is anything that can cause harm
[5]None of these

 7.A ----- is a small program embedded  inside of a GIF image
[1]web bug
[3]spyware application
[5]None of these

 8.The power level  drops  below 120v
[5]None of these.

9.Which of the following is NOT a Microsoft Internet tool or technology?
[3]Internet Explorer
[4]Expression Web
[5]None of these

10.-------- terminals[formely known as cash registers] are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer systems
[5]None of these

1.[2]  2.[1]  3.[3] 4.[1] 5[1] 6.[3]  7.[1]  8.[2]  9.[1]  10.[2]


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