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Saturday, 5 December 2015

Excepted computer Language One Word Question And Answers MAIN BANK EXAM

1,BASIC,ALGOL and COBOL are the examples of
[1]high level language.
[2]low level language.
[3]middle level language
[4]All the above
[5]None of these.

2. Buffering in printers is necessary because.
[1]computer is faster in generating data for printing than the printer cav print it.
[2]there is not enough memory provided with printers.
[3]it is not to make the printer work for a longer period.
[4]Both [1] and [2]
[5]None of these.

3.Assembly instructions are in the form of
[1]binary digits.
[2]digits and numbers.
[3]general English
[4]a new format different  from all the above.
[5]None of these.

4.Compilers are
[1]both OS-and hardware dependent
[2]only OS-dependent.
[3]only hardware-dependent
[4]All the above

[5]None of these.

5.Which of the following is/are an interpreted language(s)?
[4]Visual Basic
[5]None of these.

6.To indicate decision point in a program, a(n)______ shaped symbol is used


7.Thesaurus option is available on ______ menu.
[1]page layout

8.________ register holds the data to be operated upon, the intermediate results and the result of processing.
[4]Program Counter
[5]Memory Buffer

9.Turn off computer dialog box does not contain _____
[2]switch user
[3]turn off

10.To handle ' lost' and ' out-of-sequence' packet, which of the following layers is responsible?
[1]Network  layers
[2]Transport layers
[3]Application layers
[4]Session layers
[5]Presentation layers
1.[2]  2.[4]  3.[5]  4.[1]  5.[5]  6.[3]  7.[3]  8.[3]  9.[2]   10.[2]



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