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Monday, 14 December 2015

Write a Letter to the Editor of a Leading Newspaper, Appealing for the Victims of a Flood In Chennal

Write  a letter to the Editor of a leading newspaper, appealing for the victims of a flood in chennal
Ravinder Singh,

The Editor
The Hindustan Times

I have just returned from the scene of the recent floods that hit Chennai.These floods have been unprecedented in the recent history of Chennai. No one but an eye-witness can describe the terrible distress which these disastrous floods have caused in the area. Chennai is facing a tough time due to a natural calamity and the devastation thereof. The plight of the people who have lost their near and dear ones can be understood. The devastation has been so widespread that only the fullest co-operation between the government and the people can adequately relive the distress caused in the affected area.
In these circumstances. I request you to start a relief fund and invite the readers to subscribe liberally for this humanitarian object

Yours Faithfully,
Ravinder Singh


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