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Monday, 11 January 2016

Quantitative Aptitude Answer With Explanation For Bank Exam

In each of the following question is asked followed by three statements.You have to study the questions and all the three statements given and decide whether any information provided in the statements is/are redundant and can be dispensed with while answering the questions?

1.9 men and 14 women are working together in a field. After working for 3 days, 5 men and 8 women leave the work.How many more days will be required to complete the work?
A.19 men and 12 women together can complete the work in 18 days?
B.16 men can complete two-thirds of the work in 16 days.
C.In a days, the work done by three men is equal to the work done by four women.
1)Any two of the three together are sufficient
2)B and C only
3)C only
4)B or C only
5)A or B or C

2.Which is the area of the given right-angled triangle?
A.Length of the diagonal is 5cms.
B.Perimeter if the triangle is four times its base
C.One if the angles if the triangle is of 60degree
1)A only
2)A and C only
3)B or C only
4)B and C both
5)A or B or C

3.Three friends X,Y, and Z stared a partnership business investing money in the ratio of 5:4:2 respectively for a period of 3 years,What is the amount received by X as the share in the total profit?
A .Total amount invested in the business is Rs.22,000
B.Profit was distributed after a period of 2 years
C.The average amount of profit earned per years is Rs.2,750
1)A only
2)B only
3)C only
4)A or C only
5)A or B or C

4.How much time will the train 'X' take to cross another train 'Y' running in opposite drections/
A.Train 'X' crosses a signal pole in 6 seconds
B.Ratio of the speeds of train 'X' and' Y' is 3:2.
C.Length of the two trains together is 500 metres

1)A only
2)B only
3)C only
4)And B only
5)The question cannot be answered even with the information in all the three statements

5.What will be the cost of painting the four walls of a room with length,Width and height 5 meters.3 metrres asnd 6 meters respectively?The room has one door and one window.
A.Cost of painting per square meter is Rs.25.00
B.Area of window of 2.25 sq.meters is half of tyhe area of the door
C.Area of the room is 15 sq.meters
1)A only
2)Band C together
3)A and B together
4)C only
5)All are required to answer the question

2.[2]Let the length and breadth of the rectangle be l and b respectively.
A-> I 2+  B2 = 25
B-> I+B+H = 4B
or I = 3B-5
C-Ratio between I and B is given.After combining any of the above two statement, we get the values of I and B.Hence any of them can be dispensed with
3.[4]When investment ratio is given, the amount of profit can be found out with the help of Conly.
5.[4]The area of four walls can be easily determined with the help of the data given in the question.Now the area of the windows and door with the help of (B) can be subtracted in the calculated area and then multiplied with the cost given in (A)


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