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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Rani Laxmi Bai Pension Scheme by State Government of Uttar Pradesh.

             Rani Laxmi Bai Pension Scheme
Rani Laxmi Bai pension scheme was launched by state government of uttar pradesh.This scheme was launched for those people which are below the poverty Line or In BPL category. all those families who are living below the poverty line and exempted from BPL Suchi and they are not getting any other government social welfare scheme like BPL ration card, Antyodaya Yojana, or any other pension scheme, Vridhavastha pension yojana (Old age pension scheme,) Vidhva pension scheme (Widow pension) , Physically handicapped pension scheme (Viklang pension) they will get Financial support from government . at least 50% pension will be given for SC , ST families . Beneficiary of this scheme will be Female Head of the family . In case female member not available in the family they Male member will be eligible for this scheme. Each selected beneficiary family will get rs 400 per month from the government. Government will distribute this pension on 6 month in two times in a year.
In the current financial year 2012-13 as many as 25.75 lakh poor families are likely to be reached through this scheme and a cost of Rs 1,289 crore will be incurred.

Financial Income: only those families who are living in below the poverty line they can apply for this scheme. Maximum family income in Urban area will must be 25546 and for rural area 19884 per family included five member per family
Category for Rani Lakshmi Bai pension Scheme : SC  / ST candidates will get benefit of this scheme
Methods to examine beneficiary listing of Rani lakshmi bai scheme : all applicant who crammed software type they will examine their identify on the involved district NIC web site. For instance in case you are dwelling in Allahabad they go for obtain the labharthi suchi of Rani lakshmi bai pension scheme . record included full particulars such as you identify , and private particulars in PDF file.


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