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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Write a Letter to a Friend about Drug Addiction among Youngster

Write a letter to a friend about drug addiction among youngster

Karan Mehta,
Flat no-234

Mahesh Kumar,
Dangr Chikd

Dear friend  ,
I hope this letter finds you in good shape.How is everything with you? How are uncle and aunt? I am writing this letter to discuss the about drug addiction among youngster.The youth of our nation will eventually determine the country’s moral, political, and social persuasions. The youth of our nation has a massive responsibility.But now,we read in the newspapers that teens are being held for consuming drugs and most of them are usually aged between 17-20.The alarming rate of drug abuse has always been a problem and especially the increase of drug abuse among youngsters has had detrimental effects on the society..The educational system  nowadays is very competitive and lacks flexibility with lakhs of students appearing for few thousand seats. Again there is always a parental burden which adds to the pressure of making it big academically

The first few instances of drug use may be fun, but the behavior can quickly turn into substance abuse and addiction, and ultimately may necessitate an intervention or even rehab. Teenagers rarely consider the long-term damage they can do to themselves, their families and their communities.

.The most effective way of prevention alcohol and drug abuse is attention to children in families. They should feel care and their importance; then they would not need to assert themselves and to prove anything to others. Certainly, it is necessary to control them and to know their company, but this must be done very carefully without oppression. Parents should take an active part in their children’s life and having noticed any signs of the abuse, they must take the necessary steps. They can either talk to children or take them to a psychologist in order to explain them the danger. To make a conclusion, nowadays alcohol and drug abuse is a very significant problem, which becomes more and more acute. Young people start drinking and taking drugs gradually earlier, which leads them to crimes, car accidents and rapes.
I am also planning to visit Pune in the near future.I will let you know the dates so that you could manage to take out some time to meet me.

Your loving friend,
Karan Mehta


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