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Friday, 8 April 2016

Expected Computer Language Question And Answer

1.It is the term given to the act of stealing someone identity and running their credit rating
[1]Find Error
[3]Identity theft
[4]Virus Indefinites
[5]None of these

2.The contents of ill- are lost when the computer turns off,
[5]None of these

3.In MICR, C stands for
[5]None of these

4.Various applications and document are represented on the windows desktop by
[5]None of these

5.Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
[2]Space bar
[5]None of these

6.You would use this software to create spreadsheets, type document , and edit photos
[5]None of these

7.Computers use which language to process data?
[5]None of these

8.In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number and each chaaracter is made up of a unique combination of
[1]Eight bytes
[2]Eight kilobytes
[3]Eight characters
[4]Eight bits
[5]None of these

9.The term bit is short for
[2]Binary language
[3]Binary digit
[4]Binary  number
[5]None of these

10.Computers process data into information by working exclusively with
[5]None of these
1.[3] 2.[1] 3.[4]  4,[4]  5.[4] 6.[1] 7.[3] 8.[4]  9.[3] 10.[4]


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