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Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Rercent Programme - DigiLocker Launched By Government Of India

What is DigiLocker?
Digital Locker is one of the key initiatives under the Digital India Programme - External website that opens in a new window. A beta version of the same has been already released by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Govt. of India. Digital Locker is aimed at minimizing the usage of physical documents and enable sharing of e-documents across agencies.

With the help of this Portal, the sharing of the e-documents will be done through registered repositories thereby ensuring the authenticity of the documents online. Residents can also upload their own electronic documents and digitally sign them using the e-sign facility. These digitally signed documents can be shared with Government organizations or other entities.

The storage space (maximum 1GB) is linked to the Aadhaar number of the user. The space can be utilized for storing personal documents like University certificates, PAN cards, voter id cards, etc., and the URI's of the e-documents issued by various issuer departments. There is also an associated facility for e-signing documents. The service is intended to minimize the use of physical documents and to provide authenticity of the e-documents. It will also provide secure access to Govt. issued documents. It is also intended to reduce administrative expenses of Govt. departments and agencies and to make it easy for the residents to receive services.

Digital Locker is aimed at minimizing the usage of physical documents and enable sharing of e-documents across agencies. The sharing of the e-documents will be done through registered repositories thereby ensuring the authenticity of the documents online. Residents can also upload their own electronic documents and digitally sign them using the e-sign facility. These digitally signed documents can be shared with Government organizations or other entities. Examples of such documents are Income Tax Returns, University Degrees etc.

Digital Locker system has the following objectives

  •     Enable digital empowerment of residents by providing them with Digital Locker on the cloud
  •     Enable e-Signing of documents and make them available electronically and online Minimize the use of physical documents
  •     Ensure authenticity of the e-documents and thereby eliminate usage of fake documents
  •     Secure access to Govt. issued documents through a web portal and mobile application for residents
  •     Reduce administrative overhead of Govt. departments and agencies and make it easy for the residents to receive services
  •     Anytime, anywhere access to the documents by the resident
  •     Open and interoperable standards based architecture to support a well-structured standard document format to support easy sharing of documents across departments and agencies
  •     Ensure privacy and authorized access to residents' data.


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