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Friday 22 January 2016

Expected Computer Language Question And Answer

1.Which access method is used for obtaining a record from a cassette tape?

[1]Direct   [2]Sequential    [3]Random   [4]All of these    [5]None of these

2.Any type of storage that is used for holding information between steps in its processing is:

[1]CPU    [2]Primary storage    [3]Intermediate storage   [4]Internal storage   [5]None of these

3.A name applied by Intel corp. to high speed MOS technology is called__________

[1]HDLC      [2]LAP      [3]HMOS     [4]SDLC   [5]None of these

4.A program component that allows structuring of a program i8n an unusual way is known as ___________

[1]Correlation     [2]Coroutine       [3]Diagonalization   [4]Quene    [5]None of these

5.The radian of a number system

[1]Is variable      

 [2]Has nothing to do with digit position  

[3]Equals the number of its distinct counting digits

[4]Is always an even number

[5]None of  These

6.The section of the CPU that selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program instructions:

[1]Memory   [2]Register unit   [3]Control unit   [4]ALU   [5]None of these

7.Which type of system puts the user into direct conversation with the computer through a keyboard?

[1]Real time processing

[2]Interactive computer

[3]Time sharing

[4]Batch processing

[5]None of these

8.The term referring to evacuating the content of some part of the machine is known as ____

[1]Dump  [2]Enhancement  [3]Down   [4]Compiler  [5]None of these

 9.The process of communicating with a file a terminal is:

[1]Interactive  [2]Interrogation   [3]Heuristic   [4]All of these   [5]None of these

10.A common boundary between two systems is called_______

[1]Interdiction  [2]Interface [3]Surface   [4]Median    [5]None of these

Answer1.[2]    2.[3]   3.[3]   4.[2]  5.[3]  6.[3]   7.[2]  8.[1]  9.[2]  10.[2]


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