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Sunday, 21 June 2015

Write a Letter to Bank Manager to issue a Educational Loan- Descriptive English SBIPO Paper 2

Write a letter to bank manager to issue a loan to you as your son are going for higher studies and you require financial assistance from them


      Mr.Rama Sundraram,

      Flat no-42,

      Landline Apartment,


      20th March, 2015.


      The Branch Manager,

       Canara Bank,



       Sub: Request for sanction of loan for prosecuting higher studies of my son.

Dear Sir,
           This is for your kind information I have to state that my son, Gagan kumar has got the opportunity of getting admission in Raj giriyan Medical College. It was his ambition in life from his very boyhood that after he grows up he will be a Doctor so as to enable him to serve especially the ailing destitute in society.I am very happy that God has fulfilled his ambition. Now,  the situation  is that paucity of funds is standing as a hurdle for prosecuting his studies in Raj giriyan Medical College , You will kindly agree that substantial amount of money is needed for such studies also.Under the circumstances, I find no alternative but to approach your good-self to help the situation by granting educational loan .While I confidently hope that you will be pleased to grant this loan, I would request you to let me know the formalities to be observed.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Mr.Rama Sundraram


lav 31 May 2016 at 23:04


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